baby sanchez is learning to love his greens early! smoothies are a go to in my house! alllll the things blended together for a fast af & tasty meal, yas please!
+ let's talk about all the amazing benefits of the right ingredients.

but first, woah bumpin!! legit my son is having a major growth spurt right now. third trimester is not playing any games. AT ALL! and mama feels it. lol. PS: i live in this look. remember how i told you babes that i haven't bought anything maternity, well it's true! at this point i am a few days shy of #35weekspregnant & still haven't purchased anything from the maternity section. BUT one thing is for sure, i have had to get a few comfy new tingz to lounge in. this is basically my prego look, legit wear this bralette & shorts on the reg. in case any of you mamas are looking for something comfy, i'll link it for ya! hop over to my shop, here!

the perfect blend of vegetables, fruits, proteins & fats!
tablespoon of honey
tablespoon of peanut butter
half a banana
half an avocado
cup of plain greek yogurt
cup of kale
1/2 cup of frozen peaches
cup of cold water
easy on the go option
helps control food cravings
leaves you feeling fuller, LONGER
a powerful source of fiber
gets that skin glowin
helps boot your metabolism
good for the gut
nutrient dense
easy way to include food groups into your meal plan that you usually don't otherwise eat

enjoy! this was SO tasty! next time i will share my fav berry & beat smoothie recipe!
much love,
