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2020, what’s going on? the year of change.

Hosanna Rull

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

quote that says "this is tough, but so am I"

prob not the best idea to write this post while HIGHLY emotional, but here goes. what a time we are living in, am i right? who could have thought that THIS would be what 2020 looks like, feels like. over the last few months all of our lives have changed drastically, that’s for sure!

pregnancy, a pandemic, business closure, & a fight against racism…

where do i even start?

the way i originally saw this “life update” post going was very different a few months ago, but here we are.

what so many of us used to take for granted, we would be so thankful for right now. the simple things such as eating out, going to the movies, shopping or even just hanging out with friends are not so simple anymore. AND on top of that, we are in uproar over the injustices happening to our black community. throw in pregnancy + a three month business closure…AND you have yourself a year of adversity.

this is life. this is how it goes. you get the good, bad & ugly. AND you figure out how you can navigate through it. i would be lying if said it’s been easy. fankly, it’s been an emotional af role coaster. SO if you have been feeling like you too can’t take a moment to settle in and/or be present in the moment, you’re not alone. AT ALL. if anything, it would be odd if you didn’t feel anything.

so far 2020 is an eye opening year. a life changing year. A YEAR NOBODY WILL FORGET. perspective is key. just because something hasn’t personally affected your, doesn’t mean it is irreverent. covid19 is alive and well. businesses are trying to rebuild & move forward. racism does exist. 2020 has awaken us all. there have been some moments of guilt. am i doing enough? can i do more? in those moments i have been telling myself… you are doing your BEST. that counts!

2020 is not over, we have time to create real change! to create positive impact!

how do you want to show up the rest of this year? my biggest goal for 2020 is to know my son is coming into a world where his mother continues to show up strong! and to not give up.

ahhhh i am due in 10 weeks. more to come! for now, that’s what i got. it was short, but it was real.

much love,

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